2020 Tax Prep Information

Hilltown Community Development will not be offering community tax prep assistance this year due to ongoing safety concerns for our volunteers, staff and clients.

Community Action

Community Action Pioneer Valley is providing FREE tax assistance to clients who live in Hampshire or Franklin counties with incomes of $31,900 or less (for a single filer).

Clients will need to be able to scan and email their documents to participate this year. Those who do not have that ability are encouraged to wait until March when Community Action hopes to offer a “drive through” scanning of documents.

For additional information and to schedule an appointment please visit Community Action at https://www.communityaction.us/freetaxassistance or call 413-376-1136.

AARP Tax Aide

AARP sites are now scheduling at senior centers in Lee, Great Barrington, Pittsfield, and Westfield. One does not have to be a senior to have AARP complete their taxes. Clients may go to the site and have their documents scanned. Later they will pick up their completed returns. Clients can call the senior centers directly to make appointments:

Lee: 413-243-5545

Great Barrington: 413-528-1881

Pittsfield: 413-499-9346

Westfield: 413-562-6435

An additional tax resource is AARP’s free online tax assistance website. There are no income limits or other restrictions for people to utilize the AARP self-prepared service.

You may be also eligible to self-file online using free tax software. For more information visit https://taxaide.aarpfoundation.org/online-self-filing-software.

Please note that the IRS is not accepting 2020 tax returns until February 12th this year.

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