COA Summer Outings on the River
The Cummington Council On Aging recently enjoyed a beautiful passage aboard the Lady Bea at Brunelle's Marina in South Hadley, a fun summer outing made possible with the help of the Easy Ride Senior Van. Several other Hilltown COAs have organized fun trips for seniors this summer, including to the Normal Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, the Hancock Shaker Village, and the Barret Fishway in Holyoke. Upcoming COA trips planned for this fall include the Big E and Mt. Greylock. All told over 60 local seniors have participated in COA outings this summer, which continue to be popular social events that many seniors look forward to. If you are interested in planning or attending a COA trip on the van, contact your local COA and make sure you are signed up in advance to ride the van! Thanks to Easy Ride Coordinator Ed and Van Drivers Jim and Bob for making these fun trips possible for our seniors.