Applying For Fuel Assistance

Community Action is now booking appointments in Greenfield, Northampton and Ware for new applicants to the Winter Fuel Assistance Program. The program helps eligible families by paying a portion of their heating bills from Nov 1 to April 30. If you are a Massachusetts resident in Franklin or Hampshire County living on a low or fixed income you are encouraged to apply.

Eligibility is based on the number of people in your household and the combined gross income of all person in the household.

If you are a first time applicant you must apply in person. If you have participated in past years you will receive your application by mail and do not need to apply in person.

To apply call 413-774-2310 (Franklin County) or 800-370-0940 (Hampshire Country) or go online at

Annual Income Limits:

Household of 1 - $35,510

Household of 2 - $46,437

Household of 3 - $57,363

Household of 4 - $68, 289

Household of 5 - $79,215

Household of 6 - $90,141

Household of 7 - $92,190

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