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Ed Pelletier

Hilltown easy ride transportation coordinator | 413-296-4232


Ed serves as the transportation coordinator for the Hilltown EasyRide Senior Van. He arranges pick-up and rides on the van for medical appointments and shopping trips, and works with area Councils on Aging to schedule group outings to local attractions. He also coordinates the Hilltown Driver Pool, a peer-to-peer network of individual drivers who assist those underserved by public transportation to get where they need to go in the Hilltowns.

Ed is also a professional photographer and has exhibited his work at a number of Western Massachusetts area venues and galleries and at the Southern Vermont Art Center in Manchester, Vermont. He is also a member of the Hilltown Artisans Guild and presently the organization’s director devoted to promoting all of the arts. He resides in Worthington and operates Berkshire Hills Productions, a video production and photography business, with his wife.